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Pickup des colis gratuit en boutique – Livraison 24h dans un périmètre de 15km autour de Vaucresson (92)
Boutique : 93 boulevard de la République 92420 Vaucresson
Mardi de 9h30 à 14h30 et de 16h30 à 19h30 | du Mercredi au Samedi de 9h30 à 19h30 | Dimanche de 8h à 14h de+singapur-frauen Legale Versandhandel Seiten für Bräute

  / de+singapur-frauen Legale Versandhandel Seiten fГјr BrГ¤ute

June temperature brings unique health threats to possess pregnant women

June temperature brings special health problems to possess expectant mothers

Hot summer climate affects some people more anyone else, and expecting mothers is one particular most likely to be overheated.

Hardly more than a week into summer and as temperature swells blanket Europe plus the east All of us, what are the threats to possess women that are pregnant?

"It is far from unforeseen to see expecting mothers visited a healthcare facility ...